Just what is it about lingerie that so many men and women enjoy?

In my experience, lingerie is extremely uncomfortable to wear.
Lingerie is not very well constructed and often has holes in the most inappropriate places.
One merely needs to breathe heavily upon such garments and they may disintegrate.
For some, that's not seen as detrimental.
The material can be itchy and scratchy and make you feel like you've got wool knickers on
or it can be so silky smooth that you slide right off whatever it is you might be sitting on.
All too often hard wires are incorporated which serve to maim a woman's man's person's bosom.
Lingerie can be downright expensive, and often doesn't last beyond one wearing.
It reminds me of cheap plastic goods, made to fall apart so you keep spending money.
Heck, it might be a lucrative business, but I refuse to support it.
I'll take a pair of tidy-whiteys over frilly panties any day.
What's that you say? Blasphemy upon the god of chonies!
Yeah...I'm serious. I grew up with 4 brothers in the house,
and if laundry day was a bust, I'd borrow a pair of them comfy cotton undies
(turned backwards to accommodate my fat butt within that funny little pocket)
Genius construction on those fruit of the looms --
makes for easy passage of gas, nifty thing that it is.
Anyway, my brothers never knew the difference
and I was very careful to keep that tell-tale striped waistband well hidden.
Imagine if I had been discovered to be wearing boy's underwear in 4th grade!
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