Why does Playboy consider itself entertainment for men? I am certainly no man, but I find the magazine to be highly entertaining! Maybe not as entertaining as Hustler Magazine, but definitely plenty of enjoyment to be found among the pages, no matter if your X or Y chromosomes dominate.
It's amazing what some people will say in their Playboy interviews. It's almost as if there is a certain attitude that goes along with being interviewed for a "Girly Mag"--and inhibitions tend to go out the window. Perhaps that is more directly attributable to the interviewer's finesse with the questions, but sometimes a little too much information leaks out, and then there's hell to pay. Of course, President Jimmy Carter immediately comes to mind...but then again, Val Kilmer is in trouble for his comments in Rolling Stone and Esquire, but I don't think he's ever been interviewed by Playboy. Imagine the horrible things he would have said to them about his home state of New Mexico.
That's all I've got for today...but I sure wish Playboy would change their tagline to "Entertainment for People"